MazzocchiooTalks#10.Chile: Smiljan Radić & Cecilia Puga
Chilean architects Smiljan Radić and Cecilia Puga will explore the conceptual foundations of their projects as part of Mazzocchioo.Talks#10

Chilean architects Smiljan Radić and Cecilia Puga will explore the conceptual foundations of their projects as part of Mazzocchioo.Talks#10

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Tuesday, the 19th of November, at the Auditorium Hall of the National Museum of Romanian Art, Mazzocchioo.Talks#10 will host two conferences of Cecilia Puga and Smiljan Radić.
Smiljan Radić (Santiago de Chile, 1965) graduated from the Catholic University of Chile in 1989 and undertook further studies at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia, Italy. He traveled for three years and finally opened his own architecture firm in Chile in 1995. He was selected as the best architect under 35 by the College of Architects of Chile in 2001; he was given the Architectural Record’s Design Vanguard award in 2008; named honorary member of the American Institute of Architects, USA, in 2009; given the award for best career, 2013 and the award for best Chilean Building in 2015 by Universidad Mayor de Chile, in 2015 the Oris Award, Croatia. The work of Smiljan Radic moves freely across boundaries, avoiding any specific categorisation within one field of architecture. He studies different materials, their sensory and social conditions, rebuilding stories which seem to have been associated with the materials, and always in close collaboration with the sculptor Marcela Correa.
Smiljan Radic is the president of Fundación de Arquitectura Frágil. The aim of the foundation is to promote the study and the dissemination of experimental architecture or that of improbable reality, where the boundaries of architecture are blurred.
He currently lives and works in Chile.
Cecilia Puga (Architect, 1961, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1990) has developed her professional practice in Santiago since 1995, where she has carried out design projects at different scales and programs, from single-family homes to collective housing, educational and industrial equipment, and urban design such as the renovation of public spaces in Cerro Toro. In 2014 she won the International Architecture Competition “Palacio Pereira” for a new build and restoration project to create the new headquarters of the Ministry of Culture.She has developed her academic activity at Universidad Católica de Santiago, ETH Zurich’s School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin, Harvard GSD, and Barcelona Institute of Architecture. Her work has been featured in several national and international specialized publications, including the 53rd issue of journal 2G which was dedicated to her work. Her office was one of the 100 offices around the world selected by Herzog & De Meuron to design a villa in Inner Mongolia, within the context of the Ordos 100 project, led by artist Ai Wei Wei.
Cecilia Puga is currently the Director and founding partner of CECILIA PUGA – PAULA VELASCO ARQUITECTURA.
She was a member of the Executive Committee of Fundación de la Familia Larrain Echenique (1999-2004) which is responsible for the Chilean Art Museum for Precolombian Art. Since 2020, she has been Director of the Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art.
Mazzocchioo, an online architectural journal, emerges at the crossroads of academia and practice. It aims to provide a platform for the exchange of contemporary architectural ideas, offering insights through articles and conferences. more on
Mazzocchioo.Talks concept foresees that each conference has its own character. It is structured around two guests and a certain theme arises out of their intersected paths. A small publication with interviews accompanies each conference which takes place in autumn.